Seed Starting for Crazy People

I am obsessed with gardening. Growing vegetables helps me find my inner zen. Gardening is therapy with dirt as the counselor.

At the house we owned, I had a raised bed. It isn’t possible to do that at our rental. Our rental agreement explicitly says that we can not plant anything without permission from the property management. It is a real bummer for me.
I am still planning on having a few plants in pots this year. I am seed starting a ton of plants and I’ll share any extra with my (nonexistent) friends.

Seed starting is fun! I want to show you the way we do it at the Betty household. This by no means an expert how to piece. It is the way I do it! It’s the cray cray way.

Step 1
Get some seeds. I am growing some California Wonder seeds I got from Baker Creek in 2012 and some from Burpee that I got in a seed trade. I also have a few seeds just labeled pepper on the bag that I’m throwing in for a surprise!

Step 2
Soak your seeds. I like to soak my pepper seeds over night. I brew chamomile tea and let it cool to room temperature . I dilute the tea with water. I put my seeds in the tea and let them soak overnight or until they sink.

Step 3
Put the seeds in some sort of soil. I usually use a seed starting soil, but this year I’m trying to not spend a ton of money. We went to Lowe’s and bought Jiffy pots. It’s not organic, but there are lots of options for seed starting mix. Jiffy pots were a lot of fun for my kids. You can add water and watch them expand.

Step 4
Get a warming pad. Seeds need to be warm to grow. The best and most reliable way to achieve this is through a warming mat. This is one examplebut I can’t vouch for it. I have an older one that doesn’t seem to be available anymore.

Step 5

Give the seeds a week or more to make germinate. This is where I am in the process. My little friends have just started popping up. I had my husband put up the grow light today. You’ll need one of those too. He always jokes about what people would think about grow lights and plants in our room.

It is a little bit of an investment up front, but it is worth it! My kids enjoy the process too.

Don’t forget to water your seeds from to time! A little love and care reap big rewards!


9 thoughts on “Seed Starting for Crazy People

  1. I am ready to start thinking about my garden. I typically have all kinds of seed catalogs at this point to look through, and this year I haven’t received any. A couple weeks ago I went and ordered all the catalogs I typically receive…still haven’t gotten them. It looks like I might have to go online and look. I typically order my seeds online, but I really like to look through the catalogs…Seed starting is something the kids and I love to do in the winter, it helps to get through the very cold winter when we have our hands in dirt and think about the warm weather to *hopefully* come šŸ™‚


  2. I love that you’re determined to grow even though you can’t have an actual garden. I hope you get a lot of good stuff. Being wayyyyyy down in Florida, I have a great garden going and just had my first 2 ripe tomatoes. Enjoy


  3. I’m glad you found my blog…I’m new to blogging – it was amazing to see that someone actually “found me”…love your post on gardening…great tips on getting started!


  4. I’ve never thought of seed starting before, but I love gardening, too, and don’t have a garden of my own either. Thank you for sharing the step-by-step process. I’m looking forward to seeing how these turn out!


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