Wine Cork Heart Stamps

I’m so not crafty. It just isn’t in my blood like it is for some of you. I have interests though! I like wine. I’m good at drinking it. I like it in my bloodstream. I’m totally winking at you all right now!

I’ve been struggling to decide on teacher gifts for my son’s teacher. I really love his teacher this year. I love her because he loves her. She helped us see that he needed help. I owe her a lot. I wish I could get her something fancy for Valentine’s Day, but I’m on a budget. A tight one.

The big boy and I are going to make her a gift. I know I want to decorate it with hearts. I mean what else would you use on Valentine’s Day? I thought about buying a heart stamp, but I had a vision of making one myself. I actually had a vision of making my husband do it, but he had to go grocery shopping.

I have an abundance of wine corks. See the first paragraph! I save the corks for crafts that I never do. I figured that the corks would make a good stamp. I just had to figure out how to make it work. Luckily, I did pretty well on the first try.

Here’s what I did.

1. I gathered my supplies. A wine cork, a sharpie, and a paring knife are all that you need. I spent zero dollars on this stamp!


2. I drew a heart on the cork to give me some direction as to how to cut.


3. I was worried about this next part. I wasn’t sure a knife would work, but it worked pretty well. I just cut around the heart. It was easy!


4. Here is what it looked like after I finished cutting. The whole thing took only ten minutes and now I have a pretty rad heart stamp.


5. Test it out before you use on your project. I had to go do a bit of trimming up after the first use.


Looks a little cray, huh? I did a little fine tuning and it ended up looking like this.


I am proud of myself! I’ll show you what we did with them in my next post.

I linked up here.

Are you crafty?

10 thoughts on “Wine Cork Heart Stamps

  1. That’ s an excellent idea! I’ll have to try that with my son. I think he’d get a kick out of it. (found you on Marvelous Mondays)


  2. You should be proud of yourself! This is craft and smart indeed! I’m thinking I need to go get a couple corks πŸ˜‰ to experiment and test out this week! Genius!


  3. I love crafts and own hundreds of stamps. My hobby is becoming expensive and this is such a great idea! I had never even considered using a cork to make a stamp before. Love it. Found you at #marvelousmonday #smartpartyplanning


  4. Having fun is the important part and it looks like you did just that! Crafty is anything slightly different, so I think your crafty πŸ™‚

    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning.


  5. Thank you for stopping over today at my Wednesday Hodgepodge blog post. So nice to meet you. Love your idea here for making stamps and I certainly have a lot of wine corks at home!!! You are a no-reply so I couldn’t comment back from the comment you left me. You would think they could come up with a better flavoring for that stuff you have to drink with the colonoscopy!


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